Grinding, polishing and subsequent protection of marble

Marble is a unique natural stone that has been used in construction and decoration for millennia. Its noble appearance, lustre and unique patterns make it one of the most popular materials for floors, walls, fireplaces and much more. However, like any natural material, marble requires special care and maintenance to maintain its original lustre and beauty. This is where grinding, polishing and subsequent protection of marble can help.
Marble grinding
Marble grinding is the process of removing the top layer of the stone to get rid of minor scratches, stains and other damage. Grinding is done with special abrasive discs that work on the surface of the stone, smoothing and smoothing it. This process can be either manual or mechanical, depending on the size and complexity of the job.

Marble polishing
After grinding the marble surface, the polishing stage follows. Polishing adds lustre and shine to the marble, returning it to its original appearance. During this process, specialised polishing compounds and machines are used to ensure that the marble surface is smooth and shiny. Polishing also helps to enhance the natural colour and pattern of the stone, making it even more attractive.

Protecting the marble
The last but not the least important step of marble treatment is to protect it. Since marble is a porous stone, it can easily absorb liquids, leading to stains and loss of lustre. Therefore, after polishing marble, a protective coating is applied to it. This can be a special impregnating compound polyurethane varnish or film. The protective coating creates an impermeable layer on the surface of the stone, preventing the penetration of liquids into the pores and recesses of the marble, and protecting it from damage.

Types of protective coatings
The choice of protective coating depends on the place of use of marble and its operational characteristics. There are impregnations that are designed to protect marble from water, oil and other substances that may get on its surface. These impregnations provide long-term protection, but do not change the colour of the stone or affect its appearance.

Another option is the use of protective varnishes. These compositions create a film on the surface of the marble, which protects it from mechanical damage, UV rays and stains. However, it should be noted that varnishes can change the appearance of marble, making it more shiny or, on the contrary, matt.
Polyurethane film for marble protection
Another effective way to protect marble is the use of a polyurethane film. This method is especially useful in conditions of increased mechanical impact, where there is a risk of scratching, chipping or other damage.

Polyurethane film is a thin layer of durable material that is bonded to the surface of the marble. The film is transparent and virtually invisible, so it does not change the appearance of the stone. It is highly resistant to wear and tear and is able to protect the marble even from strong physical impacts.
The use of polyurethane film also simplifies the care of marble. Any stains or dirt can be easily removed from the surface of the film, and there is no need to worry about harmful substances getting into the pores of the stone.

Polyurethane film retains its protective properties for a long time, but like any other coating, it requires renewal over time. However, the process of its replacement is quite simple: the old film is removed, the surface of the marble is cleaned and polished, and then a new film is glued on.

Thus, using a polyurethane film to protect marble is a reliable and cost-effective solution. This method is suitable for protecting both domestic marble surfaces and monumental structures or building facades.
Maintenance and care
Even after a grinding, polishing and protection procedure, marble requires regular care to maintain its lustre and beauty. This includes regular cleaning using a soft cloth or mop and gentle cleaners designed for natural stone.
It is important to avoid using abrasive or acidic cleaners as they can damage the marble. In addition, it is recommended to renew the protective coating from time to time to ensure long-term protection of the marble.

Overall, grinding, polishing and protecting marble are key steps that help maintain the beauty and longevity of this unique natural stone. Although these procedures require a bit of time and effort, the results are certainly worth it. The lustre and nobility of treated and protected marble brings an air of luxury and elegance to any space.
Marble polishing and protection with POLIRO
At POLIRO we recognise the importance of preserving the beauty and lustre of marble. We offer a wide range of professional services for the treatment and protection of marble. Our specialists have in-depth knowledge and experience in working with this unique material.

We offer grinding and polishing services to restore marble to its original lustre and remove any imperfections such as scratches, chips or stains. We also offer marble protection services using a polyurethane film. This method provides a high level of protection against physical damage and dirt, while maintaining the marble's appearance.
Professional treatment of marble in POLIRO is a guarantee of preserving its beauty for many years. We work both with private clients wishing to renew marble surfaces in their homes and with commercial organisations owning marble buildings or facades.

Contact POLIRO and be assured of a brilliant result!
Alexander Pirogov, Founder
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